Tuesday 28 April 2020

Class 2 Week 4 Theory 2

Learning Objective : Students will be able to describe monitor.

Good morning students!!


Hope you have drawn two monitors on the blank side of your notebook and in those you have also drawn two of the things that you like to do on computer.

So, after reading the previous blog, can you answer these questions-
Q - What is the use of monitor?
Ans - It shows / displays whatever we  are doing on computer. 

Q - What is the front part of monitor called?
Ans - The front part of monitor is called screen.

Q - What is the other name of monitor?A monitor is also called Visual Display Unit.

If you could answer all, then pat your back.


Today's date                                      cw - 4
1. Monitor looks like T.V. Screen.
2. It shows what we are doing on the computer.
3. Its front part is called screen.
4. It is also called Visual Display Unit.


Take care and stay safe!!

Class 3 week 4 Theory2

Learning Objective : Students will be able to handle computer properly.

Good morning students!!!!

Hope you are taking good care of your computer and following the instructions mentioned in the previous post.

I gave you this picture and asked you to think what is wrong in each picture. This picture is in your computer book page No. 14

Now, let's take one picture and a time and find out what is wrong in each and write the same in the computer book page No. 14

1. Look at the hands of the boy using the computer. They are so dirty. Do you think it's fine to work on computer with dirty hand.         NO 
We should not touch computer with dirty hands. 

Put a cross in the circle and WRITE

We should clean our hands before working on the computer.

2. Look at the girl. She is eating and working at the same time. Do you think is it fine????
We should not eat or drink while working on the computer.

Put a cross in the circle and WRITE 

We should not keep eatables on the computer.

3. In this third picture, there is a CD lying on the floor. Do you think it is fine to carelessly handle the computer parts????
We should handle the computer parts carefully.

Put a cross in the circle and WRITE 

We should be very careful while handling computer parts.

4. In the last picture, a boy has opened the CPU Cabinet without any supervision. If you are curious to know what's inside the CPU box, then you must ask your parent/teacher to show you.

Put a cross in the circle and WRITE 

We should not open CPU Cabinet without supervision.

Please Note : On page 14 of book, in the last question, you only have to write what is highlighted with yellow colour.

Take care of yourself and your computer!!!!

Monday 27 April 2020

Class 2 Week 4 Theory 1

Learning Objective : Students will be able to describe monitor.

Good morning students!!


You all know, a computer has four main parts.
Out of those four, which computer part looks like Television screen???

Where do you see your favourite movie, the games that you play, and even your photos.

Yes, answer is monitor!
Monitor GIF - Find on GIFER

It shows whatever you are doing on computer and the front part where you see all these things is called monitor's screen.

A monitor is also called Visual Display Unit.


Draw two monitors and in it draw / paste things that you like to do on computer eg. playing games, watching cartoon,  making cards.

Class 3 Week 4 Theory 1

Learning Objective : Students will be able to take care of their computers.

Good morning students!!

As you are using computers more than ever before, it is important to know how to
1. switch on the computer
2. shutdown the computer
3. take care of computer

Let's learn each part one by one -

1. Switch on the computer
If you are using Desktop, follow the following steps to switch on,
a) Switch on the main power supply and UPS.
b) Switch on the CPU and monitor.
c) Wait till the main screen(desktop) appears.

Shut down Windows 10 with just one click (or two) - CNETIf you are using Laptop,
a) Just press the power button.
b) Wait till the main screen(desktop) appears.

2. Shutdown the computer
a) Click on Start button -> Shutdown
b) Switch off monitor, UPS and main power supply (not required if working on laptop).

3. Now, most important - is taking care of computer
poster_for_do_s_don_ts [Doks]

To watch a video on taking care of your computer, click here.

Now, Look at these pictures and think what is wrong. 

Take care of yourself and your computer!!!

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Class 3 Week 3 Theory 2

Learning Objective : Students will be able to self assess their knowledge of computer features and arithmetic and logical calculations.

Good morning students!!!

Hope you have revised contents of first two blogs as mentioned before. Let's have a quick recap before starting the self-assessment.

1. Definition of computer - 
Computer is an electronic machine that accepts information to solve our problems according to the instructions given by us to display the desired result.

2. The word Computer comes from 
    'Compute' which means to calculate
    'er'  means the one who performs

3. Arithmetic operations means calculations using arithmetic operators (+,-,x,/) eg. 15 + 7,  7 x 9
Logical operation means logical comparisons eg. is 5tens>5ones

4. Its important features are - 
a) Speed - fast work.
b) Accuracy - always correct.
c) Versatile - can do many things.
d) Diligence - never gets tired or bored.
e) Large memory - can store lot of information.


Enter your name, section, roll number. There are 10 questionsclick on the correct answer and Submit

After Submit, do  not forget to View Score in the end to know your mistakes. Also enter your name and section in the comment box.

Take care!!!

Class 2 Week 3 Theory 2

Learning Objective : Students will be able to self assess their knowledge of computer parts spelling.

Good morning students!

Hope you all tried revision exercise given in the first blog. If you have not done, do go back to my previous blog and attempt.

Hope you have also revised spellings of computer parts :

Enter your name, section, roll number. There are 10 questions, click on the correct answer and Submit

After Submit, do  not forget to View Score in the end to know your mistakes. Also enter your name and section in the comment box.

If you are unable to view the worksheet here, then please click here to open in new tab.

Do not forget to View Score in the end to know your mistakes. Also enter your name and section in the comment box.

Take care!!!

Monday 20 April 2020

Class 3 Week 3 Theory 1

Learning Objectives : Students will be able to recall concepts learnt in previous 4 blogs.

Good morning students!!

First of all, let's quickly check the answers of the questions posted last time.

Page 13
1. compute
2. untiringly
3. speed
4. memory
5. correct 
6. ECG and CT Scan

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. False

If you managed to do all correctly, clap for yourself. 
Else make corrections.

Let's revise what all you have learnt in the past four blogs. Read the text in the given image.


On the basis of these, lets do Q3 and 4 on page 14
Q3. Write briefly about the places where computers can be seen.
Ans - Computers are used in many places like schools, offices, banks, hospitals, shops to perform specific tasks, entertainment or just to complete their office work.

Q4. Explain arithmetic and logical operations with examples.
Ans - Arithmetic calculation means calculations using arithmetic operators (+, - ,x , /) eg. 5 + 7,   8 x 2.
Logical operations means logical comparison eg. is 10>01, is 5 tens<5 ones 

Read page 5 to 8 of your book again / Two blogs of week 1
Click here for blog 1 
Click here for blog 2
And get ready for "Multiple choice revision assignment" from the above mentioned blogs in the next blog.

Take care and stay safe!!

Class 2 Week 3 Theory 1

Learning Objectives : Students will be able to self assess their knowledge of computer and its features

Good morning students!

Let's quickly revise what you have learnt about computers in the past three blogs.

1. Computer is an electronic machine, which means it needs electricity to work.
2. It is also known as PC - Personal Computer
3. It is used in many places.
4. Its important features are - 
a) Speed - fast work.
b) Accuracy - always correct.
c) Versatile - can do many things.
d) Diligence - never gets tired or bored.
e) Large memory - can store lot of information.

Read the above given points twice carefully and click here to answer few questions.

If you managed to do all correct, awesome, draw a nice big star on your hand yourself.
Else keep trying till you succeed....

Learn spellings of all computer parts for small revision test in the next class.

Till then, take care and stay safe!!!!

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Class 2 Week 2 Theory

Learning Objective : Student will be able to explain features of computer

Good morning students!!

Hope you have done your activity - please check your answers

A computer is called a Smart Machine because of all the above mentioned features. 
Let's quickly revise the meaning of each feature - 

1. You and me will take lot of time in doing simple 10 sums but a computer can do millions of sums in a second, which means its speed is much more than us.

2. In the same 10 sums, we can make mistakes but computer always give us right answer. So, it means it is accurate.

3. We can get tired or bored after doing the same work for long but computer never gets tired or bored.

4. We can do only one thing at a time but computer can do many things, which means it is a versatile.

5. We can forget things but computer can never forget, which means it has good memory.

Hope you have understood the meaning of each feature.

(next to the page where you did your above mentioned activity)

Today's date                                                                           CW-3

1. Speed - > It has high speed and finishes its work quickly.
2. Storage -> It can store a large amount of information until someone erases it purposely.
3. Versatility -> It can do many types of tasks.
4. Tireless -> It does not get tired.  It can work without any break.
5. Accuracy -> It does not make any mistake.

Class 3 Week 2 Theory 2

Learning Objective : Students will be able to name father of computer and first PC.

Good morning students!!

Hope you managed to complete the assignments given in the last class. Please check your answers.

Ans A
6. Diagnose the disease
7. Learning and printing
9. Arithmetic Operations
10. It can work day and night without any break

Ans F 
1. Schools
2. Railways / Airways
3. Super Markets
4. Banks
5. Hospitals

Now get ready to know little more about  computers
Look at these pictures

Charles Babbage - Computer, Analytical Engine & Difference Engine ... 
He is Charles Babbage. He invented the first mechanical computer, the Analytical Engine. That's why he is regarded as 'Father of computers'.

How The Altair 8800 Changed Our Lives | The Bob Angle

This is Altair computer, world's first PC (Personal Computer) introduced in 1975.

Go through previous blogs and revise the concepts and try to answer the questions C and D on page 13.

Answers will be shared in the next Blog.

To download 2 chapters of computer book, click here

Read Chapter - 1 till the next class

Happy Learning!!
Stay Safe!!

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Class 2 Week 2 Theory 1

Learning Outcome : Students will be able to list features of computer.

Good morning students!!

As you are already aware that - 
1. Computer is an electronic machine(device)
which means it needs electricity to work.

2. We can do many things on computer like typing, drawing, watching movies, listening songs. 

Think -  Whatever work you can do using computer, the same work you can do yourself also. So what are the qualities(features) of a computer that makes it so special.

Let's quickly summarize the features of computer - 
1. Fast work / Speed
2. Large memory
3. Tireless
4. Accuracy
5. Versatile


If you can download and print the following image, then do it and after completing the grid, paste it on the blank side of your computer notebook.
Else please draw the grid on the blank side of your computer notebook and complete it.

Answers will be shared in the next blog.

Happy Learning!!
Stay Safe!!

Class 3 Week 2 Theory 1

Learning Outcome : Students will be able to explain use of computers in various field

Good morning students!!

In the past two classes, you learnt the 
* definition of computer
* difference between arithmetic and logical calculations
* important characteristics of computers

Answers of QA(pg. 12)
 1.     c) doing calculations
 2.     b) Charles Babbage
 3.     b) Electricity
 4.     b) Memory
 5.     b) Megabytes

If you got all answers correctly, then a  ★  for you, else correct your answer and please learn.

Now, think - why do we need to  learn computers? Is it really important? Is it used to do any important thing?????

Currently, the most important thing that we are doing using computer is - 
I am teaching you through computer and you  are learning through computer.

To know, where all computers are used and their purpose, please  "Click here"

Now, you know the importance of  computers in various fields.

On the basis of the video, try to do the following in your computer book. (Write the answers in notebook if you don't have the book)
QA  6 to 10 (pg. 12)
Q F (pg. 13)

Answers will be shared in the next Blog.

To download 2 chapters of computer book, click here

Read page No. 9, 10 of book till the next class

Happy Learning!!
Stay Safe!!

Thursday 2 April 2020

Class 3 Week 1 CW 2

Learning Outcome - Students will be able to -
        a) differentiate between arithmetic and logical calculation 
        b) state few important things about computer

Good morning students!

Hope you all managed to complete your previous CW.
Please check your answers, make sure you have written correct spelling.

Page 12 QB

Ans B - Computer is an electronic device that accepts information to solve our problems according to the instructions given by the user  to display the result.

Pg. 13 QE

Ans E   1.  Tireless
          2.  Versatile
          3.  Large memory
          4.  Accuracy
          5.  Speed

If you could do all correctly, then awesome.... ☆ for you.
If you couldn't, no problem, learn the spellings now!!!!!!!

Now let's get started - 
As you are aware, computer can perform arithmetic calculations eg.
 324 + 18
45 x  6
but there are few calculations where answer is either true or false eg. is 51 > 8
      is 13 < 5
These calculations are called logical calculations

Few things to remember about computer - 
1. The word Computer comes from the Greek word -
                       Compute  -  which means to calculate
                        Er            -  which means the one who performs

2. Just like weight of your body is measured in kgs (kilograms) 
                   speed of computer is measured in MIPS
                                                   (million instructions per second)
                   memory of computer is measured in MB(Megabyte)

3. Charles Babbage is regarded as "Father of Computers"

4. Computer does not have feelings or emotions and it can't taste.

Open pg. 14 of book and write the following answers (If you don't have book,do it in the notebook)

QG 1 What is a computer?
Ans : - Computer is an electronic device that accepts information to solve our problems according to the instructions given by the user  to display the result.

QG 2. Name five specialties of computer that makes it a wonderful machine.
Ans : - Speed, Accuracy, Versatility, Large memory and Tirelessness

QA 1 to 5 on page 12 of book (Try to do it yourself)

(Answers for this will be shared in the next blog)

To open 2 chapters of computer book, click here
Read pgNo. 5,6,7,8 of book till the next class

Happy Learning!!
Don't forget to post your name and section in the comments section.
Take care!!


Learning Outcome : Students will be able to describe a computer. 

Good morning students!

Hope you all managed to complete your previous CW.
Please check your answers, make sure you have written correct spelling.

If you could do all correctly, then awesome.... ☆ for you.
If you couldn't, no problem, learn the spellings now!!!!!!!

Read  -few lines about computer 

Computer is an electronic machine, which means it needs electricity to work.

✸ It is also called PC - Personal Computer.

✸ Whatever work we can do on computer, we can do without it also. So think why do we enjoy doing the same on computer. Say for example,
 if you get 10 sums to solve and the same 10 sums we solve using the computer, then what will be the difference 
a) You will solve slower than computer
b) You can make mistake but computer won't.

✸ Last year, we have taught you to do many things you can do using computer. Can you recall what all you learnt to do????? 

✸ You must have seen computers being used in many places like school, home, office, shops, banks, airport etc.
To understand computers better, click here

Now let's do some writing work - 
Draw a computer on the blank side of notebook and on the ruler side, write the following - 
Today's Date                                                                        CW - 2
What is a computer?
1. Computer is an electronic machine, which means it needs electricity to work.
2. It is also known as PC - Personal Computer
3. It works fast and make our work easy.
4. It always give us right answer.
5. We can do many things on computer like drawing, typing and playing games.
6. It is used in many places like school, shops and office.

Note : Underline important words the way it is done above.

Happy Learning!
Don't forget to post your name and section in the comments section. 
Take care!