Tuesday 31 March 2020

Class 3 Week 1 Theory

Learning Outcome - Students will be able to define computer and list characteristics of computer

Good morning students!!

Hope you have -
         a) covered your computer copy with brown paper.
         b) drawn computer on the first page of copy and decorated the same.
         c) seen video attached in the previous blog and revised computer parts.

If you have done all the above three things, very good  ★ for you.
And if you have not done, please do it today.

As you are already aware that - 
1. Computer is an electronic machine(device)
which means it needs electricity to work.

2. We can do many things on computer like typing, drawing, watching movies, listening songs. But think, can a computer do anything by its own. Can it play a song without your instructions......NO. So, it means it works according to the instructions given by us.

3. Same ways, if I instruct computer to add two numbers, will computer give me any answer.......... NO, because I have not told computer which two numbers are to be added. 
So, it means computer will give me result(correct answer) if i give correct information.

Let's put  these three things together to define a computer - 
Computer is an electronic machine(device) that accepts information to solve our problems according to the instructions given by the user to display the result.

(Read aloud the definition of computer  3 times)

Now, think whatever work you can do using computer, the same work you can do yourself also. So what are the qualities(characteristics) of a computer that makes it so special.

To help you further understand the characteristics of computer, "click here"

Let's quickly summarize the characteristics of computer - 
1. Fast work / Speed
2. Large memory
3. Tireless
4. Accuracy
5. Versatile

Task of the day - Do Ques. B on page 12 and Ques. E on page 13 in your computer book 
I am attaching the images of the questions for those who do not have books right now. They will write answers in the copy. Correct answers will be shared in the next blog.

Happy Learning!!!
May God bless you all with good health.

Class 2 week 1 Theory

Learning Outcome - Students will be able to recall the spellings of computer parts learnt in Class 1

Good morning students!!

Hope you have -
         a) covered your computer copy with yellow paper.
         b) drawn computer on the first page of copy and decorated the same.
         c) seen video attached in the previous blog and revised computer parts.

If you have done all the above three things, very good  ★ for you.
And if you have not done, please do it today.

Let's check how much you remember from the last year. Try to identify the following parts and spell the same.

Draw and write name of all these parts in your copy.

Correct answers will be shared with you in the next blog

Happy Learning!
May God bless you all with good health.

Sunday 22 March 2020

Welcome Class 3

Good morning students!

Like last year, you will have computer periods twice a week, one day Theory(in class) and one day practicals (in the computer room).

Name of your computer teachers are – Mrs. Latika Bhasin and Mrs. Pooja Arora

Before we start our first computer lesson, it’s important to cover your computer copy with brown paper. Hope you have purchased computer book  'Brainy Gigabytes'.

On the first page of your computer copy, draw a computer and decorate your page.

You learnt about many computer parts last year. Let's quickly revise those through the attached video.

See you soon! 

Welcome Class 2

Good morning students!

Like last year, you will have computer periods twice a week, one day Theory(in class) and one day practicals (in the computer room).

Name of your computer teachers are – Mrs. Latika Bhasin and Ms. Caroline Utarid

Before we start our first computer lesson, it’s important to cover your computer copy with yellow paper. 

On the first page of your computer copy, draw a computer and decorate your page.

You learnt about many computer parts last year. Let's quickly revise those through the attached video.

See you soon!