Friday 22 May 2020

Class 3 Holiday Homework

Good morning everyone!!

Time for holidays. Lets make it interesting with some fun + work time.

There are five tasks for you which you can do at your convenience.

Week 1 (25th May - 29th May)
Make a bookmark for your computer notebook using cutout of any part of the computer and on the back side of it, write 2 lines on the same.

It means your bookmark will have the shape of any computer part. Front part will have parts of that part which you will colour also and on the back side you will write two lines about the part.

Week 2 (1st June - 5th June)
On an A4 size sheet, prepare a poster on the SMART use of Internet. 

Use the Content given and your creativity to draw the poster.

Week 3 (8th June - 12th June)
On an A4 size sheet, draw borders and write 
1. What you want to become when you grow up?
2. A picture of anyone in that profession (you can draw also)
3. Your role model of that profession
4. How will you use Computer in your profession? 

Week 4 (15th June - 19th June)
Create a card for Father’s Day on Paint (if you have computer) or any Photo Editor App if you are doing on mobile.
     You have learnt to use Paint tools to draw in Class 1. Using the same, draw a colourful card for your father on Father's Day(20th June).

Week 5 (22nd June - 26th June)Time to revise before school reopens.
    Click here to download the worksheet.
     It will also be available on Google Classroom.

Happy Holidays!!!
Stay Safe!!

Class 2 Holiday Homework

Good morning everyone!!

Time for holidays. Lets make it interesting with some fun + work time.

There are five tasks for you which you can do at your convenience.

Week 1 (25th May - 29th May)Make a bookmark for your computer notebook using cutout of any part of the computer.

It means your bookmark will have the shape of any computer part. Front part will have parts of that part which you will colour also and decorate the back side the way you like.

Week 2 (1st June - 5th June)
On an A4 size coloured sheet, draw as many monitors as you like representing the things you like to do on computer. 
eg. On one monitor, you can draw birthday card which will represent drawing
      On another, you can paste picture of your favourite cartoon, representing watching movies etc

Week 3 (8th June - 12th June)Fun worksheet on computer parts.
     Click here to download the worksheet.
     It will also be available on Classroom App.

Week 4(15th June - 19th June)Create a card for Father’s Day on Paint (if you have computer) or any Photo Editor App if you are doing on mobile.
     You have learnt to use Paint tools to draw in Class 1. Using the same, draw a colourful card for your father on Father's Day(20th June).

Week 5 (22ndJune - 26th June)
Time to revise before school reopens.
    Click here to download the worksheet.
     It will also be available on Classroom App.

Happy Holidays!!!
Stay Safe!!

Monday 18 May 2020

Class 2 Week 7 Theory 2 Keyboard1

Learning Objective : Students will be able to identify alphabet keys of the keyboard.

Good morning students!!!


In the last three weeks, you learnt little more about -
* Monitor
* Mouse 

So, which main part is left???

Yes, Keyboard. 

Keyboard is called typing device, because it helps us in typing.
There are many sets of keys which help us in typing.

The set of keys which help us in typing our name are Alphabet keys. There are 26 alphabet keys with letters A to Z.

On the blank side of your notebook,

Draw alphabet keys and colour the letters of your name

Take care!!!!!

Sunday 17 May 2020

Class 3 Week 7 Theory 2 Helping Parts

Learning Objective : Students will be able to recall function of all the Helping parts

Good morning students!!

Apart from the four main parts of computer, there are many helping parts that can be connected to the computer. Let's quickly recall those - 

1. UPS - Uninterrupted Power Supply - It keeps the computer on even when the electricity goes off.
 2. Modem - It is a device that connects your computer with another over a telephone line for Internet services.

3. Speakers - It helps us in listening songs and other sounds.

4. Headphone - It helps us in listening songs and other sounds without disturbing others.

5. Microphone - It helps us in recording our voice and other sounds.

6. Webcam - It helps us in clicking our photos and video chatting through internet.

7. Scanner - It copies a picture or document printed on a paper into the computer.

8. Printer - It prints our work on paper. The information printed on the paper is called hard copy.
There are three types of printer - 
a) Ink  Jet Printer
b) Laser Printer
c) Dot Matrix Printer


1. Microphone
2. Monitor
3. Webcam

Take care!!!! 

Saturday 16 May 2020

Class 2 Week 7 Theory 1

Learning Objective : Students will be able to explain CPU.

Good morning students!!

I hope you have drawn the CPU Cabinet and labelled it as mentioned in the previous post.

If I ask you to calculate 67 + 98 , which part of  your body will you use to do the calculation???
Your brain!!

Similarly, if we want computer to calculate the same for us, the computer will also use its brain which is CPU.

Full form of CPU is  -   Central Processing Unit.

CPU controls all parts as all parts are connected to CPU  Cabinet with wires. 

For eg. whatever we type using keyboard goes to CPU and CPU sends it to monitor for us to see. 


Today's Date                                            CW-6
Central   Processing   Unit

1. CPU is the most important part of computer. 
2. It is called the brain of  computer because - 
    a) it does all the calculations
    b) it controls all parts. 


Take care and stay safe!

Class 3 Week 7 Theory 1 Systembox

Learning Objective : Students will be able to list parts of computer system box

Good morning students!!!!


Last week, we started about four main parts of computer - 
System box (which has CPU)

Today we will see what the system box comprises of - 
1. Motherboard - It is a board which holds all the important things including CPU (Central Processing Unit). CPU is also called brain of the computer.

2. Hard Disk - It is used to save information permanently in the computer. 
3. CD / DVD Drive - It is the place where we insert CD or a DVD.
    CD - Compact Disc
     DVD - Digital Versatile Disc - 
     DVD can save 8 times more data than CD.
4. Power Supply - It supplies the power to your computer system.

Do the following in your computer book on page No. 22 and 23

Answers are marked for your convenience.

Take care and smile!!!

Monday 11 May 2020

Class 2 Week 6 Theory 2

Learning Objective : Students will be able to self assess their preparedness for the upcoming assessment.

Good morning students!!

Hope you are well aware of the computer assessment on 20th May. You need to learn cw - 1 to 5 for the same. 

Below are few practice questions for you. No need to do the same in the notebook. 

Q1. Computer is also known as - 
Ans. Personal computer

Q2. The feature accuracy means - 
     Ans. It always give us correct answer

Q3. The feature versatile means -

     Ans.  It can do many things
Q4. Monitor is also called - 
     Ans.   Visual Display Unit

Q5. Mouse is also called - 
Ans  Pointing device

 Q6. There are ________ main parts of computer.
Ans.  Four

Q7.  Computer needs ____________ to work.
Ans.  electricity

Q8.  We should always keep mouse on the -
Ans. mousepad

Q9. Mouse without wire is called -
Ans. Wireless mouse

Q10.  The front part of monitor is called - 
Ans. Screen

    Q11. The part of computer which moves pointer on screen is -
    Ans.  mouse

     Q12. The feature speed means - 
     Ans. It works very fast.

     Q13.  The part of computer which shows our work is called - 
     Ans. Monitor

     Q14.  Identify the part - 
Ans. Speakers

I am pretty sure you will do very well in your exams. All the best!!!

Class 3 Week 6 Theory 2

Learning Objective : Students will be able to self assess their preparedness for the upcoming assessment.

Good morning students!!

Hope you are well aware of the computer assessment on 20th May. You need to learn page 12 and 13 of Chapter - 1(Introduction to computers) for the same. 

Below are few practice questions for you. No need to do the same in the notebook. 
        1. He is known as father of computers
Ans   Charles Babbage

2. Memory of computer is measured in -
Ans     Megabytes

3. Multiplication and addition is an example of ____________ operations.
Ans  Arithmetic Operations

4. A computer always give us correct answers, it means computer is _________________
Ans     Accurate

5. A computer never gets tired, it means it is _________
Ans     Tireless

6. Computers are used to treat patients in a better way in –
Ans     Hospital

7. Computers are used to prepare report cards in - 
Ans     School

8.  The word computer originated from the word –
Ans     Compute

9.  Computer has large ____________ to store information.
        Ans     Memory    
        10. Computer solves our problems according to the _______  
        given by the user.
         Ans instructions

        11.  Computers are used to calculate shopping bills in -

          Ans.  Shops/Super market

        12.  Computer can do different jobs, which means computer 
        Ans. Versatile

        13.  The word calculate means -

         Ans.   Doing calculations

        14.  15>5 is an example of ___________ operation.
        Ans.   Logical

       15.  Computer is an ____________ machine.
       Ans.  electronic

I am pretty sure you will do very well in your exams. All the best!!!

Sunday 10 May 2020

Class 3 Week 6 Theory 1

Learning Objective : Students will be able to explain the function of monitor, mouse and keyboard.

Good morning students!!


Hope you remember computer is also called Personal computer and there are four essential parts of computer - 

1. Keyboard 
2. Mouse
3. Monitor
4. System box (CPU)

Let's quickly look at the first three parts today - 

1. Keyboard - It is the typing device of computer. It helps us to type alphabets, numbers and special symbols.

2. Mouse - Mouse is the pointing device of computer. It is used to select or open a program.
In 1964, the first computer mouse was made by Douglas Engelbart.

All devices are connected to CPU with wires, although now a days wireless(cordless) keyboard and mouse are also available.

3. Monitor - It looks like television screen and shows whatever we are doing on the computer. It is also called VDU (Visual Display Unit).

There are two types of monitor available now-a-days  - 
a) LCD Monitor(Liquid Crystal Display)
b) LED Monitor (Light emitting Diode)

These occupy less space than previously used CRT Monitors.

Some monitors are touch screen monitors which allows you to select options by touching the screen. They are commonly used on cell phones, ATM machines, video games or supermarket terminal.

Please Note : No written work today
Revise Chapter - 1 for test on 20th May

Take care and stay safe!!

Class 2 Week 6 Theory 1

Learning Objectives : Students will be able to name parts of CPU Cabinet.

Good morning students!!!


Can you name the part which is called the brain of computer???

Yes, CPU is known as the brain of computer!

But the picture above is not of  CPU. It is a CPU Cabinet.

 CPU is a small chip present inside the CPU Cabinet.

Wires of all parts of computer are connected to the computer through the back side of  CPU Cabinet.

On the front part of CPU Cabinet, you can see -
a) CD/DVD Drive - place to insert CD / DVD
b) USB Port - place to insert pendrive
c) Power button - to switch on the computer.


On the blank side of your notebook, draw 

Please Note : Revise CW 1 to 5 for test on 20th May

Take care and stay safe!!

Monday 4 May 2020

Class 2 Week 5 Theory 2

Learning Objective : Students will be able to explain mouse.

Good morning students!!!
Let's quickly recall what we learnt in the previous post.
1. Mouse helps us in drawing and playing games.
2. It usually has a left button, right button, scroller and a wire.
3. Mouse without wire is called Wireless mouse.
4. We should always keep it on the mouse pad

Now, next important thing about mouse is - 

When you move Mouse on the mouse pad, the arrow (➚) moves on the screen. Do you know what is this arrow called? It is called Pointer. 

Mouse is also called "Pointing Device", as it moves the pointer on the screen.

Watch this video if you want me to read and explain.

Today's Date                                                         cw - 5
1. Mouse helps us in drawing and playing games.
2. It usually has a left button, right button, scroller and a wire.
3. It is also called "Pointing Device", as it moves the pointer on the screen.
3. Mouse without wire is called Wireless mouse.
4. We should always keep it on the mouse pad


Class 3 Week 5 Theory 2

Learning Objective : Students will be able to name two  types of computer.

Good morning students!!


I am really happy to see most of you remember the computer parts taught in previous classes. Those of you who have not done computer parts questions given in the previous post, then do open that and submit the same.

Computers which we use are called Personal computers.

You all have seen this type of computer in the computer room.
This is called Desktop. 
It is a computer which is kept on desk and all its parts are attached with the help of wires. 

There is another type of Personal Computer that can run on batteries and easily fit on our lap as well.

This is called Laptop.

Four essential parts of a computer system are - 
  • Monitor 
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • System Unit 

We will learn more about these parts in the next class.
Till then, read page 16 and 17 of your book

Question A (1 to 5) on Page 22 of your book
Answers will be shared in the next post.

Take care and stay safe!!

Class 2 Week 5 Theory 1

Learning Objective : Students will be able to explain computer mouse.

Good morning students!!!


You all have learnt to play games and draw last year. While you see your favourite games and movies on the monitor, which part of computer do you use to play and draw?

Yes, it is Mouse!
Now, let's look at the different parts of mouse

There are some mouse which comes without wire, they are called Wireless mouse. 
Whether you are using wired mouse or wireless mouse, you should always keep it on the mouse pad to avoid scratches and for its smooth working.

I hope you remember how to hold the mouse correctly.

On the blank side of your notebook, draw parts of mouse and a wireless mouse

Parts of Mouse                                                                                                     

Sunday 3 May 2020

Class 3 Week 5 Theory 1

Learning Objective : Students will be able to recall computer parts on the basis of their function.

Good morning students!!!!

As we have already told you that computer can save lot of information in its memory. Now is the time to check your memory. You learnt about many computer parts in the past two years, out of which four are  main (essential parts) and others are Helping parts. Identify the computer parts based on their functions :

If you are unable to do all 10 questions here, you can also click here to open. Check your score and if you have managed to recognise all, then awesome else try again..... 

Take care and stay safe!!

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Class 2 Week 4 Theory 2

Learning Objective : Students will be able to describe monitor.

Good morning students!!


Hope you have drawn two monitors on the blank side of your notebook and in those you have also drawn two of the things that you like to do on computer.

So, after reading the previous blog, can you answer these questions-
Q - What is the use of monitor?
Ans - It shows / displays whatever we  are doing on computer. 

Q - What is the front part of monitor called?
Ans - The front part of monitor is called screen.

Q - What is the other name of monitor?A monitor is also called Visual Display Unit.

If you could answer all, then pat your back.


Today's date                                      cw - 4
1. Monitor looks like T.V. Screen.
2. It shows what we are doing on the computer.
3. Its front part is called screen.
4. It is also called Visual Display Unit.


Take care and stay safe!!